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Tag Archives: John Salwin
88 – John Salwin: Life Coach and High School Misfits
Part 1: John discusses the final days of Low Budget FM and the gang takes a listen to some clips from his new advice show, John Salwin: Life Coach. Part 2: High school is full of misfits, non-conformists, vampires and … Continue reading
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Tagged gay teens, goths, High School cliques, John Salwin, life coaching, Low Budget FM, misfits, Prince, The Crow
87 — How to Be a Gigolo
Once again, John Salwin is back, this time it’s to help Far Out!’s male listeners gain a few bucks on the side as escorts. What are the five steps one should take to go from an ordinary dude to a … Continue reading
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Tagged 110 Freeway, Fred Garvin Male prostitute, gay bath houses, Hiter, John Salwin, male escorts, Mr. Belvedere, NBA scabs, prostitution
86 — Be Tod’s Neighbor and Occupy Lakewood
John Salwin re-joins the crew and they discuss Tod’s recent public speaking engagement at Occupy Lakewood, Buck’s domestic issues and a recent fight on the Blue Line. Plus, Tod’s looking for a new neighbor, do you fit the bill?
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Tagged Blue Line, Danny Bonnaduce, Hitler, John Salwin, Low Budget FM, Occupy Lakewood, Paleo Diet, Selena, Wavy Gravy
38 — Backstage Demands
What are some of the most notorious backstage demands made by famous rock stars like Madonna, Motley Crue and Prince? The gang investigates. Plus, a member of the show has joined a weight loss program and Far Out! addresses some … Continue reading
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Tagged Al Jolson, Brown M&Ms, Hitler, Iggy Pop, Jenny Craig, John Salwin, Madonna, Mariln Manson